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4 days ago
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Photo of twins Brielle & Kyrie Jackson is called 'the rescuing hug'. Brielle couldn't breathe & was turning blue, the nurse broke hospital protocol and put them in the same incubator as the last resort. Kyrie put her arm around her sister, who then immediately began to stabilize.

In the fall of 1995, two girls, twins, weighing only 2 kilograms, were born prematurely. Brielle and Kyrie Jackson spent their first few weeks of life in special incubators fighting for their lives.  Kyrie was the stronger twin, thriving and 1.3 kg heavier, while Brielle struggled to survive. At one point, Brielle's breathing became shallow and her heart rate dropped dramatically. The doctors did everything they could, but simply nothing worked.  Before it was too late, a nurse got an idea and suggested putting the babies together in one incubator. They had never done something like this before in the US, but something incredible happened. As soon as Kylie was placed next to her sister, she reached out and hugged Brielle. Suddenly, Brielle's heart rate stabilized and her temperature returned to normal. A journalist who happened to be there recorded this  moment. As a result of the sisterly embrace, the power of touch was discovered, and the dying baby was saved.

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